When does the season begin and end?

Season for all PCYFC participants (cheer and FB) typically begins mid-July and ends in October depending on playoffs. This year, we will begin with a week of camp from July 8-12. 

What/When is Camp?

When are practices?

During July and part of August, practice for all teams/cheerleaders is typically 2-3 days a week from 6-7:30pm. When school starts back, practice is generally moved to 2 days a week. Since we leave practice times and days up to the coach, this may differ just a bit from team to team.

It is CRUCIAL that you are on the remind group messaging system so that you will get the notice if practice or games are changed for any reason (such as inclement weather).

Where are practices held?

Practices for both cheerleaders and football players are held on the Searcy Field in Mill Spring. It is located near the intersection of 108 and hwy 9 in Mill Spring. The parking lot for the field is off of Horsepower Lane in Mill Spring. Bring a folding chair as there is currently no seating. 

Who will be coaching my child?

PCYFC is a non-profit organization run by volunteer board members. Most of the time, many of these board members will be coaching in some capacity, but we also rely on parent volunteers to help fill coaching needs.

I would like to coach my child's team. How do I sign up?

You can talk to any of the board members and get a background check form to fill out. Once you are able to pass this, you can be a coach. 

Coaches will be dismissed for conduct unbecoming.

What are "weigh-ins" and why are they mandatory?

*If a participant is unable to make it to weigh-ins, there is ONE make up date the following week. If your child misses both weigh-ins, they will not be allowed to participate for the season.

Why is my child's original birth certificate required to participate?

PCYFC is a part of the Western North Carolina Youth Football & Cheer (WNCYFC) League. Per the league's rules, each player must have the original or certified copy of the original birth certificate turned in for the league to verify. 

Original birth certificates and certified copies are typically printed on special paper with a notary (raised seal) on them.

If you do not want to use your child's orginal birth certificate, a certified copy can be obtained from the register of deeds in the county your child was born in. For example, you can (most of the time) search up online the register of deeds from your child's birth county and pay $10 or so to get them to mail you a certified copy. The only downside to going through the mail is that it takes several days to get to you. You can also go in person to the register of deeds and poy for a certified copy.

I do not have my child's birth certificate. What do I do?

Certified copies can be obtained from most counties through the internet. To do this, search up the county's register of deeds where your child was born. There is usually an option to have your child's certified copy of their birth certificate mailed to you for around $10. You can also go to the county in person to pick up a certified copy as well. 

If your child is adopted or you are fostering and this is why you do not have their birth certificate, please speak with the PCYFC President for options.

When will I get my child's birth certificate back?

Once the regular season is over and playoffs begin, we will start handing back birth certificates. Please stay up to date on the messages we send out on our remind group as this is our primary means of communication. 

Why do the football players still practice in the rain?

PCYFC is a part of the Western North Carolina Youth Football & Cheer League. Per the league's rules, games will still progress in the rain as long as there is no lightning. 

We want our players to be prepared for this circumstance in a game setting, therefore practice will still go on even if it is still raining during practice time.

What is the schedule for the games?

What are special dates/events that PCYFC participates in?

How do home games work?

What is the "Jamboree"?

Questions about Cheer